Teaching at Texas Tech University as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Art is one of the many things I love about being based in Lubbock Texas. From August to May I get the opportunity to walk the halls of the design school I attended over a decade ago. I rather enjoy how not much has changed about the building, the halls or the great folks who office within them. There may be a few more power strips these days and everyone is required to carry a laptop instead of an X-ACTO.
It’s pretty cool to see the trees get a little taller each year, the inspiring ideas continue to fill the walls and a new talented group of students show up for their first day every fall. This is my fourth year as an Adjunct and I must say it was cool that just as I am getting the hang of it my first group was graduating.
In parallel over the past four years Stallings Design Co. has grown and we were ready to bring on an intern to help us with the day-to-day. The Spring of 2013 brought in a returning group of students which were my first to have back-to-back semesters for both of my Computer Design Methods Classes. The timing was right and I knew confidently that they all had strong fundamentals so we decided to recruit an intern. The job description for the intern is not long but it is specific. The applicant has to be able to be positive, creative and skilled in the basics of the Adobe Creative Suite. That’s the obvious criteria, then we look for the things that are more rare and hard to find. 1. Attitude: The people who stay positive while others critique their work really stand out to me. 2. Fearlessness: This one is important. These are the kids who are not afraid to fail. They take risks because there are no budgets on the line and because they have yet to be told “you can’t do that.” 3. Hopeless Commitment: These are the rare few that are still willing to work for free. By now we have narrowed it down a bit.
We are excited to announce that this Summer we recruited our first intern from the Texas Tech University Communications Design Program in the School of Art. He has been working with us in the office and remotely for several weeks now and he hasn’t quit yet. So far so good!
I’m Will Watson and I’m passionate about graphic design. I have always wanted to make a living with my art and support my wife and daughter with what I love; graphic design is all of that and more to me. A little about myself: I moved to a small town in Texas from Arizona when I transitioned into high school. Started my college career originally as a music major at Blinn College in Brenham Texas then I switched majors to communication design and moved up here to the enchanted land of Lubbock Texas to go to the greatest university, Texas Tech, with the best comm design program and the best professors a student could have. Recently I was approached by Brett Stallings and was given the great opportunity to become an intern for his design firm Stallings Design Co. I feel honored to be one of his first interns and look forward to making an impact on the community with graphic design.